
Friday, August 31, 2007

Week # 17 Wheat Insurance

Hi! This is Tanya Stimpson with this week’s crop insurance update. This week’s topic is Wheat Insurance, Wheat Yields and brought to you by AgriServe Crop Hail Insurance and the Sewell Agency in Chillicothe.
Wheat yields are due to your agent now. Your agent wants to give you the most accurate quote on your wheat insurance cost for the 2008 year. But to do so they need your 2007 wheat yields turned in.
If you do not carry wheat insurance now but would like to, gather any past production history you have and bring it to us and we can give you some quotes to help you get the best insurance on your wheat. You have until September 30th to do this so don’t wait come in today to get signed up.
There are 2 types of insurance products, APH & Revenue. The APH product guarantees the yield of your crop. The Revenue product guarantees the yield plus the price. So with the price of wheat today I suggest you highly consider the Revenue products for your 2008 Wheat. If you would like to change your insurance product you need to do so by September 30th.
Just a reminder your soybeans could still receive some hail damage so call us to insure those beans for the remainder of the summer. View this update and others online at Or phone the Sewell Agency at 660-646-4020 your connection to crop protection.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Week #15 Wheat coverage, Yield Reporting and Corn Silage

Hi! This is Tanya Stimpson with this week’s crop insurance update. This week’s topic is Wheat Insurance Coverage, Wheat Yield reporting and corn silage and brought to you by AgriServe Crop Hail Insurance and the Sewell Agency in Chillicothe.
Now that you have your wheat out of the field it is time to get those yields reported to your agent and update your APH for next years wheat insurance. If you do not have wheat insurance coverage NOW is the time to come in and sign up for that. The deadline on applying for wheat coverage or changing your current wheat coverage is September 30th. With crop prices fluctuating daily you should consider having the Revenue products for your crop insurance. This allows a guarantee on the APH and the price of the crop.
If you have decided to chop some of your corn for silage it is important that you contact your agent prior to that so you can get credit for the production towards your APH units.
Don’t forget to cover your crops from hail for a few dollars per acre. Most of our crops have done well so don’t lose your profit per a hail storm.
Phone the Sewell Agency at 660-646-4020 your connection to crop protection.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Week # 10 - Optional Units

This is Lonnie Sewell with this week’s crop insurance update, brought to you by the Sewell Agency and AgriServe crop Hail Insurance.
Spotty rain, some are getting it and some need it. This week’s topic is optional units.
Crop insurance allows for only a 10% rate increase you can divide basic units into optional units section by section which usually doubles your chance to qualify for a loss. If you aren’t using optional units, you are not maximizing your crop insurance. Start now to qualify for optional units, turn in your wheat yields section by section, then you won’t have to average a good field with a poor one in another section next year, and you will be better protected against spotty rain. Optional units are not available on a cat policy.
Don’t forget to protect your crops with economical crop hail insurance. ½ bushel to the acre will cover the whole crop. Stop by and visit with Tanya or I at our booth at the New Livingston County Fairgrounds. The Fair starts July 18th and is northwest of Chillicothe on Rt 190. View this update and others online at Or call The Sewell Agency 1-800-281-4020 your connection to Crop Protection.

Week #14 Hot & Dry

This is Lonnie Sewell with this week’s crop insurance update brought to you by the Sewell Agency and ASI Crop Hail Insurance.
Hot and dry that’s the forecast. It is very difficult to watch a great crop turn into a fair crop and soon a poor crop. Looks like a lot of double crop soybeans won’t be harvested.
The revenue crop insurance policies like RA & CRC implemented a few years ago really shined this year, with the wheat harvest price coming in at over $6 per bushel. That added up to an additional $60 per acre on most wheat losses.
The spring price on corn is $4.06 and beans at $8.09. We have good protection against the declining prices we are getting now. If you have a loss this fall or had a loss because of the flood your loss will be paid based on the highest of the spring price or the harvest price.
Vie this information and others at

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week # 13 - Wheat Harvest Price, Your Claims and Wheat Yields

Hi! This is Tanya Stimpson with this week’s crop insurance update. This week’s topic is Wheat harvest price, your early claims, Wheat Yields and brought to you by AgriServe Crop Hail Insurance and the Sewell Agency in Chillicothe.
The Harvest price for Wheat turned out very favorable it landed at $6.02. Which means if you had wheat claim early this spring and was paid on the $4.52 price then the insurance company will come back and pay you the difference which will be $1.50 per bushel more coming to you. If your loss has not been paid then your claim will be worked on the $6.02 price.
Now that you have harvested your wheat it is time for you to report those yields to your agent. Do it now while you still have your tickets out and it is fresh on your mind. Now is also the time to adjust your coverage on your wheat policies and purchase wheat coverage if you have none at this time. But you need to come in and sign up for a wheat policy.
Don’t forget about your spring crops, come in and sign up for a hail policy that will cover those crops for a few dollars an acre.
Phone the Sewell Agency at 660-646-4020 your connection to crop protection.