
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hi! This is Tanya Stimpson with this week’s crop insurance update. This week’s topic is Wheat Insurance, Wheat Yields and brought to you by the Sewell Agency in Chillicothe.
Wheat yields are due to your agent now. Your agent wants to give you the most accurate quote on your wheat insurance cost for the 2011 year.
If you do not carry wheat insurance now but would like to, gather any past production history you have and bring it to us and we can give you some quotes to help you get the best insurance on your wheat. You have until September 30th to do this so don’t wait come in today to get signed up.
The Guarantee price on Wheat looks great it looks to be $7.17 per bushel. With that price people that had some PP ground are looking to plant wheat.
Another deadline fast approaching is the Pasture and Hayland Insurance. If you have a need or an interest in this give us a call and we will be able to help you out.
View this update and others online at Or phone the Sewell Agency at 660-646-4020 your connection to crop protection.