
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week #6, Important Dates To Remember

This is Lonnie Sewell with this week’s crop insurance update.
This week’s topic is Important dates To Remember and is brought to you by AgriServe Crop Hail Insurance and the Sewell Agency in Chillicothe.
1St Date, June 5th; Final date to plant corn without late plant penalty which is 1% per day. Unless this is a replant, then the original plant date is used, regardless when it was replanted.
June 10th, normally the date considered as not practical to replant corn.
June 20th, final date to plant soybeans without late plant penalty.
July 15th, final date to report planted acres to your crop insurance agent.
Do yourself and your agent a favor, as soon as you finish planting, report to the FSA then your crop insurance Agent. Beat the Rush. Phone the Sewell Agency at 660-646-4020 your connection to crop protection.

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